Cologne: 27.–30.10.2026 #ORGATEC

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Walk-the-Talk: Unternehmenswerte machen Pioniere | Event on the ORGATEC 2024

Walk-the-Talk: Corporate values ​​create pioneers

from Agentur für das Undenkbare
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Human centricity, Collaboration, Agile Spaces, Sustainability, #OfficeXperience, Fortbildung AKNW
Agentur für das Undenkbare
#OfficeXperience - Workshop 1, Hall 8, Stand B50/D51

The event

Authenticity and lived values turn companies into real pioneers. They not only inspire loyalty and commitment, but also create a corporate culture in which people feel comfortable and feel like they belong.

When clear values ​​are evident in every decision, organizations become strong and capable of action in challenging times. This consistent attitude leads to a distinctive position on the market and builds deep, lasting connections with customers, communities and partners that make the company unique and future-proof.

Ramona Swhajor, trend expert and award-winning innovator, has been supporting companies in transformation for 10 years and knows the most important requirements for introducing values. In her workshop, she provides insights into how much influence these have today, how they can be developed and operationalized. Participants have a real look at the identity-forming effect of values ​​and the development of value-oriented work in the company.

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