The event
Ever since OpenAI presented its ChatGPT platform, we’ve stopped laughing about artificial intelligence. The beta version has already shown us which jobs it can – and will – replace. In the near future, people worldwide will develop intelligent applications that will be able to take over activities and entire areas of work. In 2006 the author and digital expert Sascha Lobo published a book entitled “Wir nennen es Arbeit. Die digitale Boheme oder: Intelligentes Leben jenseits der Festanstellung” (We call it work. The digital bohemian or: intelligent life beyond permanent employment) in which he paved the way for New Work and a New Culture. In 2024, he explains the next level of the emancipation of work. This time around, he takes us along on a dive into the core of AI, carried along by his own momentum. He shows us in concrete terms what we can expect and what scope AI offers for entrepreneurs and employees.