Cologne: 27.–30.10.2026 #ORGATEC

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KI Speeddating: Interaktiver Realtalk zur gegenwärtiger KI-Praxis | Event on the ORGATEC 2024

AI Speeddating: Interactive real talk on current AI practice

from Agentur für das Undenkbare
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German with english subtitles
Collaboration, Sustainability, #OfficeXperience
Agentur für das Undenkbare
#XperienceStage, Hall 8, Stand B50/D51

The event

No, you won't find the perfect better half here, but rather relevant AI insights! Experience interactive speed dating on the topic of artificial intelligence at Orgatec. The audience can experience AI practice live and enter into a dialogue with experts about how AI technology is changing the world of work.

What is the common understanding of AI? Where is AI currently in Germany and what influence is the trend having on architecture? What potential and threats are there - and how do we deal with them?

Participants receive answers directly on stage and exchange ideas about AI applications, best practices, trends and challenges. The focus is on gaining quick, intensive insights into different AI topics, expanding networks and discovering starting points for possible collaborations or projects.

Speakers include Laurine Völz from Anker Gebr. Schoeller GmbH & Co and Christopher Yelegen from Rehub Forge. Ramona Swhajor, trend expert, will moderate the event.



Agentur für das Undenkbare

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