The event
How does the office support the health and resilience of employees? How can the office be opened up to completely different uses for society? Can an office space become a hotel room?
Mobile working (‘working from home’) has become an integral part of everyday office life. With employee attendance rates of only 40 to 60 % at the company's headquarters, there is a high vacancy rate in many office properties, which companies are trying to reduce by introducing non-territorial office concepts (desk sharing, coworking spaces, etc.). Nevertheless, the utilisation period of such office properties is still extremely short compared to production facilities. The development of the reversible office, which allows the generation of different office forms in one building, was just the beginning. Today, the aim is to create sustainable offices that emphasise communication and employee exchange, but also offer added value in terms of use. The key to success lies in analysing the company's DNA. This must be brought to life in the office.
Prof Dieter Lorenz and Wolfgang Schumann will present the DNA Academy's new book "The New Way of Working" and present strategies and solutions for business success.